viernes, 1 de abril de 2011


At first I thought it was cool, funny, and I even thought it would be an awesome experience, but when being able to see people that are affected by narcolepsy, it impacted me a lot. I would not like to live with this kind of sleeping disorder. One that has this disease cannot sleep well, nor have a restful one, since he just sleeps anywhere, anytime. This is quite horrid to live with because it makes a person very dependent to someone that can take care of him. Being affected by these sudden sleep attacks is quite annoying and anything could happen to a person that is affected by the disease. It is just like if looking at a cd that is lagging all the time. It will never please someone. Think about it, did the guy in the video seem happy? Of course not. Not even the woman that was taking care of him seemed happy. They have a stressed life and probably a life no one would like to experience. It is very hard to live with narcolepsy and worst, not knowing when the attack will come. One does not know how something is, until being faced to someone that suffers it or until it affects himself. A can assure that no one would ever like to live with this disorder.

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

Sleep and Dreams
Since a very long time, people have had a question that has no one hundred percent definite answer; why do we sleep? According to all the tests, analysis, and experiments, it has been concluded that we sleep to recharge the brain. Of course it is not like recharging the mobile phone, but we repair cells and some new cells are born. Mean while the brain repairs itself, neurons are being repaired and by sleeping, we give the brain a chance to shut down. There are many stages of sleep and it is interesting to acknowledge the differences between them. Another appealing fact is that we dream in all of the stages, but in ones we dream more intensely than in others and we would only remember dreams if we are awakened in between them. But… what are dreams? Well, I agree to the idea that dreams are ways to prepare for things that our mind is not prepare, and by dreaming it, it is like if we already lived with it. Once more, sleep enables the opportunity of reorganizing information that has been previously seen. This is important, and more if you are in school because you can study before sleeping and most of the information will be kept instead of forgotten. Finally, not only brain support, but also growth is affected by sleeping. Every kid should get enough sleep because growth hormones are released during this time. Cardiovascular system gets a break and last but not least, metabolic rate and energy consumption lowers. Think of it… GET A GOOD SLEEP every night.

domingo, 6 de marzo de 2011

Sensory Deprivation

When we saw this video, I leaned lots of interesting things about sensory deprivation. Sensory deprivation is a technique used by scientists to see how the brain reacts when people to not see, taste, smell, touch or hear. It is interesting to know that everyone might have a different reaction and by giving a glance to this video, it is understood that extroverted people suffer more. Of course, a radical change causes people to react in certain way, but many times it is possible to see people that can even become crazy by being sensory deprived. Not only scientists use this method, but also other people use it for torture. It this case, people were just left 48 hours with this treatment, and when they came out you can see the difference. Their will to be outside took them to feel extraordinarily good when coming outside, and this is not only a scientific encounter, but an encounter that tells people: “you shall look life as if there was nothing prettier than it.” This is very important since most of us are not optimist people and this is wrong. Finally, I believe that sensory deprivation is not only giving answers to scientists, but also to people.


“Synesthesia is a condition in which one sense (for example, hearing) is simultaneously perceived as if by one or more additional senses such as sight.”

“Grapheme → color synesthesia: is a form of synesthesia in which an individual's perception of numbers and letters is associated with the experience of colors.”
“Ordinal-linguistic personification is a form of synesthesia in which ordered sequences, such as ordinal numbers, days, months and letters are associated with personalities.”
“A number form is a mental map of numbers, which automatically and involuntarily appears whenever someone who experiences number-forms thinks of numbers.”
“According to Richard Cytowic, sound → color synesthesia is "something like fireworks": voice, music, and assorted environmental sounds such as clattering dishes or dog barks trigger color and simple shapes that arise, move around, and then fade when the sound stimulus ends.”
“In the rare lexical → gustatory synesthesia, individual words and the phonemes of spoken language evoke taste sensations in the mouth.”


viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

Mental Abilities: Genius, Savant and Autism

Explain in detail what "savant syndrome" means.
“Savant syndrome” is a term used for those people that have rare but spectacular abilities. It is very common that these people suffer from different mental or physical disabilities, but they are able to do extraordinary things. Savant syndrome is according to psychologists, the most fascinating phenomena in the study of human differences and cognitive psychology.

What does genius mean?  Explain the difference between genius and savant.
“Genius is something or someone embodying exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of unprecedented insight… Savants are people with a rare condition in which they have developmental disorders in one or more areas of expertise, ability, or brilliance that are in contrast with the individual's overall limitations.”
Savant skills appear suddenly and as they appear they can vanish. Savants do not develop or make better any of these rare skills, but they have indeed an outstanding brain that lets them do extra normal things. Many calculate math problems in seconds and others just are extraordinary experts in other areas.

What is a stroke and how could it affect your mental functioning?
            A stroke is when blood is clogged in an artery and blood cannot go through to a part of the brain. Depending on the area that is affected by a stroke, many different abilities are lost. In most cases there is a loss in language abilities, movement, or memory.

What is a functional MRI and how does it help us understand brain activity?
            “Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. MRI uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to produce detailed pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone and virtually all other internal body structures. The images can then be examined on a computer monitor, transmitted electronically, printed or copied to a CD. MRI does not use ionizing radiation (x-rays)”.

What is the corpus callosum and what role does it play in your brain's activity?
            “Corpus callosum is a wide, flat bundle of neural fibers beneath the cortex in the brain. It connects the left and right cerebral hemispheres and facilitates inter-hemispheric communication.”

What is epilepsy and how might it affect your brain's abilities?
            Group of disorders that alter the way in which the electric signaling of the brain; this will work in an abnormal way. It may affect senses and movement, also, consciousness.

What is autism?
            “Autism is a moderately rare condition resulting from a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life.” Autism is known as a neurological disorder that affects the brain in many ways, including its development. Sometimes, this disorder affects the way in which carriers (of autism; most are boys rather than girls) communicate and socialize with others. Most of the time, these people are also dealing with another developmental disability or CNS injury.

What is Asperger's Syndrome?
            “Asperger's syndrome, also called Asperger's disorder, is a type of pervasive development disorder (PDD). PDDs are a group of conditions that involve delays in the development of many basic skills, most notably the ability to socialize with others, to communicate, and to use imagination.”

sábado, 26 de febrero de 2011

Accidental Genius
Who ever said that accidents are not for a good? In some cases, when people commit mistakes in certain way, a person can be mentally changed. These people are known as savants. Savants have an abnormal brain that starts to develop in the belly of the mom. Damages to the left hemisphere of the brain cause the right brain to function better and most efficiently. By not having the left-brain working well, the right brain has no limits. Isn’t this incredible! Imagine having no limits… being not good but perfectly excellent at an area of study or sport. This works the same way as senses work. Have you seen a blind man? They have other senses very well developed and this is caused because with the lack of sight, brain gives more energy to those other senses, for the person to be able to know what is happening. Just think about it… It just seems great!!!

Making A Genious     
Is it possible to make a genius? Well, as the baby in the picture, any human that has an early start in any root of study, academics, sports, etc. will become a genius in that certain topic available for him early in life. Can any child be turned into a genius? Yes, this is what many people have been trying to prove, and it has worked pretty well. People with early start develop certain likes and possibilities that many cannot. Unique education transforms normal children, but for a genius to be made, the child would have to be devoted to that thing in which he got an early start. You should just remember this when you have kids… Would you like him to be a football star, an A+ student, or maybe an excellent cooker… start teaching him things since early ages and probably he will become an excellent and unique person in such areas.

Gifted People
It is very strange to see a person that can do extra normal things, but according to psychologists, many things can alter the way that a person behaves. Among these things we find environment state, experiences, accidents, etc. So, what can we say about these geniuses... Are they mentally ill? Well, most of them are, but doesn’t it look awesome to be able to do things that not all do. For many of us it is awesome, but the reality is that they do not live the life we live and most of these people have disabilities on other topics. This is because of the stimulation the brain has. Parts of the brains that are not stimulated in a certain amount of time will lose their ability to make the necessary connections. So remember these and start working mentally al days in different stuff. Do not forget that early start in education makes a change!

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Nature vs. Nurture
There are many questions that psychologists have encounter. One of these questions is: what traits do human inherit or obtain by their environment? but the most controversial question is: Is homosexuality inherited through the genes or is it a cause of the way of interacting with ones environment? Many scientists al still looking for answers to these questions. Most of the time both genes and environment affect in the way that a person treats others or the way they think. Many tests and experiments have been made in order to testify if something is natured or nurtured; in these experiments identical twins are the variable. has these proven everything? Not yet, many times there have been cases that twins just do not give the same answer to scientists' questions. This is where the controversial topic of homosexuality comes to be. In many labs, scientists have tried to prove weather or not homosexuality is a gene disease or just an effect of the treatment of environment. Unfortunately when testing with identical twins, there have been flaws. No matter where they live, where they grew up, or what they eat, people will never absorb environment treatment the same as others and here comes the question: has environment changed the people or have the people the environment? This is just a wheel that comes round and around. People that have been changed by environment also change people, as well as Environments that have changed people, have also changed other environments, so what's the answer? In this case, I believe that homosexuals have changed environment because it is not the same to live with normal people and believing that homosexuality is bad. Than living with homosexuals and having people say that these people are normal. Lets keep on this topic in the future and lets see from where do these people change from.

lunes, 7 de febrero de 2011

Mind of a Murderer

Are precarious people really bad or are they only people with mental issues? Are these people different? Shall we understand them? Well, people do not know what it is going through their mind, but according to some psychologists the problem is more of a mental issue than it is of wanting to kill. Most of the time, serial killers have had damaged their brains and evaluations support this idea. BRAIN DAMAGE MAY LEAD TO VIOLENT BEHAVIOR. It is true!!! The brain has the capacity to say ‘do not do that’ or ‘do it’ and accidents can cause this part of the brain to damage. The brain controls emotions and decisions and mental illnesses may cause the brain not to choose the right decisions. Almost all delinquents have brain damage… and it is kind of logical. So, after analyzing the facts that people that have damaged brains are less able to control their decisions, would you say that dangerous people are not bad, but take bad decisions due to accidents? Brain injuries can be caused by any accident, and if it is damaged many illnesses that you may not know of can absorb you way of thinking. Many times bipolar symptoms are diagnosed in these kinds of people that commit crimes, but this does not mean they are innocent. Everyone is responsible for his or her acts and no reason will be fair enough for someone to kill another person, but there has to be something done to these people that cause damage to others. Emotional damage is the most infected in a family when a member has been killed and I believe that the best way to prevent these acts to be done is by treating all of those who intend to murder. THIS IS AN ILNESS and it is infecting are world… we shall do something to stop it!!!

Living with Traumatic Brain Injury

It is not very good to have a traumatic brain injury. IT RUINS PEOPLE’S LIVES. People change a lot and their ways of life will be drastically distorted. Most of the time people that have traumatic brain injury are diagnosed with problems such as double sight, language and understanding problems, thinking problems, and it is very possible for the person to enter a state of comma. Family members and friends must help the person they love if they have had a brain injury. Recovery is very long and the person will never be the same as if he or she would not have had the accident. It is very difficult for these people to change their way of living and all emotions start to break out. Stress, suicidal thoughts, etc, etc can be some states in which a person with TBI can go through. I thank God everyday for health, and this is not common, but very important, you never know when you life will change as it has changed for many people that have TBI’s. It is a very difficult process in which all people with traumatic brain injury shall go through, no matter what, everyone near these people shall help them emotionally and in any way they can help. Brain is a very important item, a fragile one and it can be damaged very harshly, and this is why the body has a series of protection over it. Lets remember these people and help them if we can!

Mind Reading

There is no impossible! Reading minds was a science fiction idea, but now it has become reality. Neuroscientists have learned how to ‘read minds’ through a magnetic process called MRI’s. These scientists have shown the way in which they can see the brain functioning to conclude in what are you thinking. Not only what object you think about, but what intentions do you have could be read through this machines. All science fiction has become true science nowadays. It is incredible to see how sciences become better and improved every day. If the sciences continue developing as they are, in very little time humans will be able to do things that no one would imagine. The fact is that there is no mind reading right now, there is just brain identification, but imagine a few years later. No one will be able to lie in court nor in a legal case… it will be incredible. A really truth scanner will develop from these discoveries, credibility will be tested and now no one will be able to say no if they really believe yes. Finally, the video mentions feelings detection and this is also incredible, now you are able to know what a person feels towards an idea… THERE IS NO SCIENCE FICTION!!!

lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

Inside the Teenage Brain
All over the world problems fill the teenage brain. It is incredible to see that most of these problems come from bad habits. Most of the time teenagers do not know the importance of getting a long night sleep and just make the decision of going to bed at 12:00, 1:00 or even 2:00 in the morning. This causes lots of different effects. Not paying attention in class, doing bad in school, changes in personality and unstable emotions are some of the effects that teenagers suffer when they choose not to sleep well. It is also interesting to see how the brain develops. It is common for people to say that teens are, and think the same as adults, but having a teen do stuff that adults do, is not right. The frontal lobe is the part of the brain in which the reasoning, logic, and emotions are always present. As time passes this lobe has to change and get mature enough so that decisions are wiser and not until this happens, teens are no more and no less than teens. It is very common that parents do not understand their kid and this takes the family into issues that will require lots of effort to solve. Just think about it, every teen wants to be independent, but this independence, is for many, difficult to acquire. For this to happen, parents must show that they trust the way in which each of their children take decisions. Teenage brains are just in the phase in which they change drastically. Live IT, Understand IT.