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There are many questions that psychologists have encounter. One of these questions is: what traits do human inherit or obtain by their environment? but the most controversial question is: Is homosexuality inherited through the genes or is it a cause of the way of interacting with ones environment? Many scientists al still looking for answers to these questions. Most of the time both genes and environment affect in the way that a person treats others or the way they think. Many tests and experiments have been made in order to testify if something is natured or nurtured; in these experiments identical twins are the variable. has these proven everything? Not yet, many times there have been cases that twins just do not give the same answer to scientists' questions. This is where the controversial topic of homosexuality comes to be. In many labs, scientists have tried to prove weather or not homosexuality is a gene disease or just an effect of the treatment of environment. Unfortunately when testing with identical twins, there have been flaws. No matter where they live, where they grew up, or what they eat, people will never absorb environment treatment the same as others and here comes the question: has environment changed the people or have the people the environment? This is just a wheel that comes round and around. People that have been changed by environment also change people, as well as Environments that have changed people, have also changed other environments, so what's the answer? In this case, I believe that homosexuals have changed environment because it is not the same to live with normal people and believing that homosexuality is bad. Than living with homosexuals and having people say that these people are normal. Lets keep on this topic in the future and lets see from where do these people change from.
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